Thursday 1 September 2016


Landed in Oz at 4.50 am today! The long haul to Melbourne overall was pretty good - if you can call a 27 hour flight "pretty good"! But both landed in good spirits. It is great to be home again.

Foggy old Melbourne airport!

Hard up for a photo today - Melbourne International. 

We checked our luggage through to Hobart but discovered that new requirements are in place in Australia than at any of the other checking! It can be a little annoying when your bags have been safe for one part of the world but not between Melbourne and Hobart!  The item in question is the power bank for our phone!

We enjoyed a nice coffee and breakfast in Melbourne airport before catching our flight to Hobart at 8.40 am. 

Foggy and cloudy as we took off in Melbourne but the closer we got to Tasmania the cloud started to clear and the sun peaked through. 

Some lovely views of the Central Highlands of Tasmania, the lakes and midlands farming areas. 

Central Highlands. 

The lakes. 

Midway Point area near Hobart. 

Landed at Hobart airport at 10.00 am. Kevin was at the airport to meet us and to give us a lift to Lumeah Avenue. Great to be home and to explore the progress of the garden over the winter months. All is well but still quite a bit of work ahead! 

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