Tuesday 30 August 2016

Penultimate UK!

Not a good night's sleep. Had the alarm set for 4.30 am for a quick and hassle free exit from London - this may have influenced the broken sleep. 

Awake and away by 4.40 am! Always interesting to see London at this hour of the morning. Plenty of people and vehicles about, many waiting for buses etc. The lights along the Thames gives it a fairytale appearance. 

We left early to miss the traffic of a working morning in London but the M4 was already carrying large number of vehicles in both directions. 

We arrived at Sulhamstead,  by the canal, ready to pack our cases and clean the van for storage tomorrow. 

Canal boats at the Sulhamstead lock. 

Hilton sneaking a look through the trees!

Spent the day around the canal and cleaning out the van. Everything nearly ready for our flight to Oz tomorrow.