Saturday, 30 July 2016


A very restful night in Rosengarten, and the morning looked to have good prospects too. 

We travelled to Greven, just north of Münster to spend time enjoying the lovely surrounds of the canal and the marina. But when we arrived the heavens opened, and jackets went on,  and we knew we wouldn't get to lay about in the sun today. 

Our travels this morning took us through the farmlands of Münsterland. Of interest through these parts are the  Wasserschlösschen. Because of the low lying area traditionally defensive hilltops are not available, so the next best natural defensive  feature is water. So, the feudal noble families created what have become known as Wasserschlösschen (water castles).  About 100 of these still remain in  50 km radius of Münster - about 40 still remain in the original families!  

Farm buildings at Burg Vischering inside the double moat defensive perimeter.

We  visited the Wasserschlösschen Burg Vischering, one of the oldest and best preserved Wasserschlösschen in Münsterland. Founded in the 13th century it has been added to over the years.

Burg Vischering set in a very pictureque location. 
The drawbridge. 
Oriel windows being a feature. 
The south side of Burg Vischering. 

The quaint chapel in the grounds of the Burg. 
The Burg retains many of the medieval defensive features - the loop-holes for the archers still remain. 

Returned to Münster and parked up in a stellplatz from where we were ready to explore Münster tomorrow.  Relaxation for the rest of the day.