Hello Bernard's and Helene's travelling blog, I've read you for many years, but this is the first time I've been invited to write.
Today started as many others, I woke up in my lovely apartment in the grungy, soulful, Bowie born and bred, Brixton. I caught the tube to meet my brother near Moorgate, and from there we started our journey to reunite with out mum and dad.
I have to admit, it was a glamorous journey with the roof off which made driving through the fields of canola an unparalleled experience, but most importantly, England unveiled the sun.
We arrived in the Cotswolds to meet an excitable mother leaning out of the motor home strategically parked admidst lush greenery, serenity and fresh mosquito lavae. We were weirdly at home despite being in a place I'd never been before.
Bourton-on-the-Water has proven to be a delightful place to enjoy good beer and good company!
A Bernard note:
Interesting drive this morning from Cookham to Bourton-on-the-Water - we saw numerous large billboards for the "No" vote for the UK to exit the EU but none for the Remain campaign. But the Remain vote is still way ahead in the polls.
It had been a wonderful day - quality time spent with Maddie and James.