Tuesday 31 May 2016

West Sussex

Mad dogs and Englishmen came looking for the midday sun! 
Some of the colour at Nyman's later in the day.
The rain started early this morning and didn't stop to well into the afternoon. Can't complain - it has been the first rain we have seen in past ten days.
Rain, spray, puddles and fast cars! Not a good mix.
Time to sort out a few things in the van. Needed to chase down a door catch for the fridge. Some companies were less than helpful while others were very obliging - but we still haven't ended up with a catch - the screw will have to do for a few more days. I'll order one off eBay and get Maddie to bring with her in a fortnight's time. 

Browsed a couple of shopping centres before the rain ceased after lunch. So Helene got to see the Nyman's Garden after all. Very beautiful.

Later drove to the Windmill at Hassock where we will be spending the evening. What a magnificent view across West Sussex. 

One down side - it's very windy!